About the department
The Bachelor of Arts in Psychology aims to develop knowledge in the core domains of Psychology. It focuses on implementing ethical behaviour in research and practical field, and to equip students with an awareness of one’s behaviour, to ways of interacting and influencing others, and to their roles in society as responsible individual. It is a three-year degree course and follows Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) syllabus prescribed by Mizoram University.
After completion of the course, a student of B.A (Psychology) will be equipped with: The knowledge of key concepts, principles and themes in Psychology thereby becoming an intellectually competent individual in the field of psychology. He/she will possess an understanding and implementation of ethical principles in the field of research and conducting experiments. Student will have the awareness, sensitivity and skills to work with individuals from a diverse range of backgrounds and characteristics. The curriculum will enrich their minds with knowledge of how to cope and handle problems ethically, and take into account the rights and needs of those they serve as well as society as a whole, and further assist them to become a responsible individual in the society.
The Department of Psychology was set up in the year 2020. It was first initiated as an elective course; however, the Department conducts a UG program offering Psychology as a core paper and has a temporary affiliation under Mizoram University. The inception of the Psychology Department in HATIM marks a critical milestone as it has become the first college in southern Mizoram to offer Psychology as a core course for undergraduates. Currently, the Department functions with two faculties. It is a three-year degree course comprising 6 semesters and follows the Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) syllabus prescribed by Mizoram University.
The Bachelor of Arts in Psychology aims to promote mental health awareness. It also aims to teach its students important life skills and practical knowledge to promote all-round development. It strives to impart knowledge and intends to encourage students to address a variety of issues that are faced by the individual and society. It focuses on implementing ethical behavior in research and practical field and equipping students with an awareness of one’s behavior, ways of interacting and influencing others, and their roles in society as responsible individuals.
The course offered has also incorporated practical works that will enrich the students’ skills and knowledge in using different psychological tools for assessment. In addition to this, the course has integrated project work that enhances the students’ expertise in conducting any psychological research.
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