- List of extension activities to neighbourhood community
- Photos of extension activities carried out in the neighbourhood community
- List of activities for sensitizing students to social issues
- Photos of activities for sensitizing students to social issues
1. District Green Champion: Higher And Technical Institute, Mizoram (HATIM) was recognised as District Green Champion for Lunglei District, Mizoram, for the Academic Year 2021-22 by the Mahatma Gandhi National Council of Rural Education (MGNCRE), Ministry of Education, Government of India.
2. First prize for Cleanliness Competition 2022: Higher And Technical Institute, Mizoram (HATIM) was awarded first prize in the category of Institution in the Cleanliness Competition held in Lunglei Town in 2022 by the UD & PA Department, Lunglei District.
3. Government Online Excellence Award 2021-2022: Higher And Technical Institute, Mizoram (HATIM) received the fourth prize in the category of Official Institution Website in the Government Online Excellence Award 2021-2022 by the Department of Information & Communication Technology, Government of Mizoram.
4. Recognition for highest number of blood donations: The Association for Voluntary Blood Donation (AVBD), Lunglei, recognised Higher And Technical Institute, Mizoram (HATIM) for contributing the highest number of blood donations, totaling 260 units, between June 2022 and June 2023.
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