NAAC Action Committee:
The NAAC or National Assessment and Accreditation Council Action Committee has for itself the following:
Aims and Objectives:
- To arrange for assessment and accreditation of the institute
- To stimulate the academic environment for promotion of quality teaching-learning and research in the institute;
- To encourage self-evaluation, accountability, autonomy and innovations within the institute;
- To conduct and undertake quality-related research studies, consultancy, seminars, workshops and training programmes
Committee Members:
- Mr. Vuansanga Vanchhawng (Convener)
- Mrs. Hannah Lalnunpuii Khiangte, Dept of English
- Immanuel Lalramenkima, Dept of English
- P.C. Laltlanzuala, Dept of Computer Sciences
- Mr. H. Lalrinawma, Dept of Computer Sciences
Ongoing and Planned Activities:
- Conducting a close study of the norms and guidelines recommended by the UGC and NAAC for the progressive development of HATIM
- Working hand-in-hand with other committees like the IQAC, the Council Body, Board of Academics, Examination Moderation Board, etc in HATIM to assess and identify critical gaps/problem areas in the management of the academics and administrative affairs of HATIM and providing suggestions thereof.
- Analyzing and studying other colleges which have already been accredited by NAAC
- Analyzing and studying Self Study Report (SSR) of other colleges which have already been accredited by NAAC.
- Taking advice from experts in connection to NAAC accreditation
- Identifying and Creating a list of Follow-up Action Points to be undertaken within the Institute for continuous improvement and for attaining the best possible grade under NAAC accreditation.
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