Internal Roles/Memberships:
1. Secretary, HATIM Academic Council
2. Convenor, Discipline Committee
3. Coordinator & Trainer, Entrepreneurship Knowledge Cell (EKC)
4. Ex-officio member, Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)
5. Ex-officio member, Board of Examination (BOE)
6. Ex-officio member, Women's Cell
7. Ex-officio member, Students' Care and Counseling Cell
8. Ex-officio member, HATIM Evangelical Wing (HEW)
9. Ex-officio member, Committee on Creativity and Innovation (CCI)
Journal Publications:
1. Lalnunthara, R., & Kumar, J. N. (2018). Demographic Profile and Consumption Patterns of Fast Foods among College Students in Lunglei Town Mizoram. NVRJ, 20(7), 44-50. https://iosrjournals.org/iosr-jbm/papers/Vol20-issue7/Version-8/H2007084650.pdf
2. Lalnunthara, R., Kumar, J.NVR. 2018. Buying Attitudes of the College Students Towards Fast Foods in Lunglei Town, Mizoram. In. IOSR Journal of Business and Management. Vol 20, Issue 8. Pp. 01-09. https://iosrjournals.org/iosr-jbm/papers/Vol20-issue8/Version-6/A2008060109.pdf
3. Lalnunthara, R., & Kumar, N. V. R. (2019). Buying factors and customer satisfaction about fast foods: A study of college students in Lunglei Town Mizoram. Asian Journal of Multidimensional Research (AJMR), 8(2), 74-86. https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Buying-factors-and-customer-satisfaction-about-fast-Lalnunthara-Kumar/086f3cb93a29d1f6d2a5e61d3f6a1a3b49dc7487
4. Lalremruati, A.C., Lalnunthara, R. (2020). A Study of Investment Behaviour at Serkawn Community, Lunglei Mizoram. In. International Journal of Scientific Research in Multidisciplinary Studies Vol. 6, Issue 8. Pp. 49-53. https://www.isroset.org/pub_paper/IJSRMS/8-IJSRMS-04423.pdf
5. Malsawmtluanga, H., & Lalnunthara, R. (2020). A Study of Financial Inclusion of Street Vendors: With Special Reference to Street Vegetable Vendors in Pukpui Locality Lunglei Town, Mizoram. International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science, 2(7), 111-119. https://www.irjmets.com/paperdetail.php?paperId=864bac970238e95a63c567116163e0e9&title=A+Study+of+Financial+Inclusion+of+Street+Vendors+with+Special+Reference+to+Street+Vegetable+Vendors+in+Pukpui+Locality%2C+Lunglei+Town%2C+Mizoram&authpr=R.+Lalnunthara
6. Lalnunthara, R., Kumar, J.NVR. (2020). Health Consciousness and Fast Foods: A Study among College Students in Lunglei Town, Mizoram. In. Mizoram University of Humanities & Social Sciences. Vol. VI, Issue 1. Pp. 142-152. http://www.mzuhssjournal.in/images/resources/v6n1/lalnunthara.pdf
7. Lalngaihsaki, R., Lalnunthara, R. (2021). Impact of Covid-19 on Micro-Enterprises: A Study of Lunglei Mizoram. In. Senhri Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, Vol. 6, No. 1. Pp. 27-35. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/357473760
8. Liansiama, J., Lalnunthara, R. (2021). A study on second-hand clothes retailers in Aizawl Market Mizoram. In. International Journal of Multidisciplanry Research and Growth Evaluation Vol. 2, Issue 3. Pp. 496-499. https://www.allmultidisciplinaryjournal.com/uploads/archives/60CBFC9A009A71623981210.pdf
9. Chhakchhuak, D., Lalnunthara, R. (2021). A Study on Consumer Protection Awareness among Rural Consumers in Tlabung, Mizoram. In. RESEARCH HUB International Multidisciplinary Research Journal Vol. 8, Issue 5. Pp. 5-10. https://old.rhimrj.co.in/past-issue/a-study-on-consumer-protection-awareness-among-rural-consumers-in-tlabung-mizoram-3/
10. Lalnunthara, R., Kumar, J. NVR., & Laldinliana (2023). Association Between Socio-economic Factors and Income: A Study of Women Entrepreneurs. Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research. 2349-5162. https://www.jetir.org/papers/JETIR2307933.pdf
11. Lalnunthara, R., Kumar, J. NVR., & Laldinliana (2023). A Study on Socio-economic Background of Women Entrepreneurs in Mizoram, India. Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research. 2349-5162. https://www.jetir.org/papers/JETIR2307933.pdf
Book Publications:
1. Lalduhawmi, R., Lalnunthara, R. (2021). A Study of entrepreneurial attitude among undergraduate female students in Lunglei Mizoram. In. Gender Sensitization in Contemporary Mizo Society. Edited by. Lalnunpuii Ralte & Vanlalringa Bawitlung. Pp. 103-119. Samaritan Printer, Aizawl.
2. Lalmalsawma., Lalnunthara, R. (2021). Consumer Buying Behaviour of Online Shopping: A Study in Lunglei Mizoram. In. North East India: Problems, Prospects and Perspectives. Edited by. Zarzozuali, David H. Zothanpuia, & Ruth Lalrampuii. Pp. 104-121. Blue Mountain Printer. Aizawl.
Papers Presented:
Title/Topic |
Organizer/Sponsor |
Year |
Women Entrepreneurs and Work-life Conflict: A Study in Mizoram |
International Seminar on ‘New Era of Social Responsibility, Sustainability and Innovations’ at Mizoram University |
2024 |
Work-Life Balance of Women Entrepreneurs: The Relevance of Social Support |
International Conference on Agile Business Amid of Tuna World for Sustainability & Innovation (Online) held by Department of Management Studies, Ballari Institute of Technology & Management, Ballari, Karnataka India. |
2023 |
Work Life Balance of Women Entrepreneurs: Issues and Challenges |
National Level Workshop- Capacity Building Programme in Social Science Research at Govt. J. Buana College Lunglei |
2019 |
Fast Foods and Health Consciousness among College Students in North-east India: A Study of Mizoram |
International Conference on Biodiversity, Environment and Human Health: Innovations and Emerging Trends (BEHIET 2018) |
2018 |
Electronic Media and Mizo Society |
State Level seminar on 'Issues and Challenges in Mizo Society' organized by HATIM |
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