Dr. John C. Lalduhsaka
Internal Roles/Memberships:
1. Coordinator, Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)
2. Member, HATIM Academic Council
3. Coordinator, NEP Implementation Committee
4. Director, Committee on Creativity and Innovation (CCI)
5. Ex-officio member, Board of Examination (BOE)
6. Ex-officio member, Library Committee
7. Ex-officio member, Web, Media and Publication Board
8. Ex-officio member, Laboratory and Library Committee
9. Ex-officio member, Staff Welfare Committee
10. Ex-officio member, Discipline Committee
11. Ex-officio member, Anti-Ragging Cell
12. Ex-officio member, Women's Cell
13. Ex-officio member, Academic and Career Guidance Cell
14. Ex-officio member, Alumni Cell
Journal Publications:
1. Lalduhsaka, J. C. (2019). Truth: Gandhi's Concept of Justice. In. Remarking: An Analisation. Vol. IV, Issue I. Pp 209-212. http://www.socialresearchfoundation.com/upoadreserchpapers/5/274/1912090601131st%20john%20lalduhsaka.pdf
2. Lalduhsaka, J. C. (2019). Understanding John Rawl's Principles of Justice: An Analysis. In. Erudition. Vol. II, Issue I. Pp 58-62.
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