Workshop on Diabetes Retinopathy using Machine Learning
24th October, 2024
WORKSHOP ON DIABETES RETINOPATHY USING MACHINE LEARNING Organized by IIT Bhilai, In collaboration with Department of Information Technology (MZU) and Department of Computer Science (HATIM)
Date: 24th October 2024 (Thursday)
Time: 1:00 – 3:00 PM
Venue: Conference Hall, HATIM
Resource Persons:
1. Prof. Ajoy Kumar Khan, Dept. of Computer Engineering (MZU)
2. C.Vanlalnunpuia & R. Vanlalawmpuia (Research Scholars, Dept. of Computer Engineering (MZU)
The workshop was chaired by Mr. K. Lalmuanpuia, Head, Dept. of Computer Science (HATIM). Mr. H. Lalrinawma, Asst. Prof. Dept. of Computer Science (HATIM) started the programme with devotions which was followed by a welcome address by Mr. Vuansanga Vanchhawng, Principal HATIM.
The resource person Prof. Ajoy Kumar Khan gave an insightful and informative presentation on Diabetes Retinopathy using Machine Learning. He emphasises on the use of modern technology for diabetes retinopathy diagnosis and the scope and ongoing research in this area. He mentioned the importance of Machine Learning and various AI techniques needed for the solution of today’s problems in certain fields and encouraged the students to give importance in acdemics and hardwork. The presentation was followed by an interactive session.
The other resource persons Mr. C. Vanlalnunpuia & Mr. R. Vanlalawmpuia gave hands on training of various research tools and methodology based on the workshop topic. Students are given interactive and practical training on their current research work and other relevant toics.
The programme was concluded with vote of thanks from Mr. Joseph Lalhunmawia, Asst. Prof. Dept. of Computer Science, HATIM.

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