Philosophy Awareness Campaign
16th April, 2024
The Department of Philosophy, HATIM organized a Philosophy Awareness Campaign on 10th April 2024 (Wenesday) at Baptist Higher Secondary School, Serkawn, Lunglei.
The programme is an educational programme carried out to spread awareness among school students on what Philosophy is all about- as an academic discipline and as an essential aspect of our everyday life.
The 6th and 2nd semester students from HATIM presented papers among class 12 (section A and B) students on the origin, nature and scope of Philosophy, covering the main branches of philosphy and career opportunities available with a degree in Philosophy.
Brochures made in local language were distributed highlighting the benefits and importance of Philosophy in one’s life.
The main objective of this educational programme was to aware the students the importance of having an understanding of Philosophy as an essential aspect of life.

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