Parent-Teacher Meet(Department of Philosophy )
23rd October, 2023
A Parent-Teacher Meet was successfully organized by the Department of Philosophy on 23rd October, 2023 (Monday) at the IQAC Office from 1:00 pm -3:00 pm
The meeting was chaired by the Head of Department, Dr.John C Lalduhsaka and began with a prayer offered by Erika Zorinpuii.
Ludi Lalneihpuii presented a detailed report on the department history, department activities and department action plan. Necessary information regarding discipline were also included.
H.C Lalhmangaihzuali presented information on examination and assessment processes.
Dr.John C Lalduhsaka discussed the CBCS syllabus and new NEP syllabus and also presented on Fees Structure.
Erika Zorinpuii presented a report on student's academic results and performances, as well as student's attendance records.
A Q&A Session was conducted with many questions raised by the parents and addressed by the teachers successfully.
A vote of thanks was offered by H.C. Lalhmangaihzuali.
Rev. H. Lalfakzuala offered a prayer to give thanks and thus closing the meeting.
A photo session followed, with light refreshment prepared by the 1st and Vth semester students.

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