Parents-Teachers Meet(Department of Education)
19th October, 2023
The Department of Education HATIM has organized a Parents-Teachers Meet on 19th October 2023 at 1:00 PM.
The Meeting was held at HATIM Auditorium and was presided over by Miss F.Lalnuntluangi.
Devotion was led by Miss Malsawmsangi. Detailed presentation on the Course Structure (NEP 2020 and CBCS) was delivered by Miss Scully R.Laldinthari. Report on Departmental Activities and academic performances of the students was given by Miss Rebek Lalramtiami followed by a presentation on Fees Structure by Dr. John Lalduhsaka, IQAC Coordinator on behalf of the Accountants.
Question and Answer Session was conducted following the presentations where doubts of parents were clarified.
The Meeting ended with a prayer by Rev Joseph Vanlalruata.

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