Observance of World Suicide Prevention Day 2023

Observance of World Suicide Prevention Day 2023

11th September, 2023


Observance of World Suicide Prevention Day 2023:

The Department of Psychology marked World Suicide Prevention Day by organizing a program focused on suicide awareness and prevention.

The main theme of this event was "creating hope through action," and it featured engaging activities such as poster making, the "Jar of Hope," and a "Friendship Board" for the community members.

 May be an image of 4 people and text that says 'VORLD SUICIDE DANT PREVENTION DAY'May be an image of 6 people, people studying and text

May be an image of 1 person, studying and textMay be an image of measuring stick and text

May be an image of 8 people and people studyingMay be an image of 1 person, studying and text

May be an image of 1 person, studying and text that says 'THE WARNING SIGNS OF SUICIDE'