Observation of World Heritage Day & Inauguration of History Museum, HATIM
18th April, 2023
The department of History observed World Heritage Day and simultaneously had the inauguration of History Museum on 18th April 2023 (12:00 Noon) at BA II Semester classroom. The theme of this year’s World Heritage Day is Heritage Changes.
The program was led by Ms. A. Lalremtluangi, Assistant Professor. Lalherliana Bunghai, VI Semester, History had an invocation prayer. This was followed by a book release of Know Your History – Archaeological Field Study at Vangchhia, Mizoram from Mr. Vuansanga Vanchhawng, Principal, HATIM. A technical report was given by Dr. Lalhminghlua, where he informed and showed us a picturesque view of the field trip of Vangchhia. He also mentioned about how the department took initiatives for setting up the museum including a report on various materials that are in the repository.
There was an inauguration of History Museum and ribbon cutting from the principal, Mr. Vuansanga Vanchhawng. In accordance with World Heritage Day 2023’s theme Heritage Changes, Vanlalbiakfeli, VI Semester, History presented a speech. She notified the meaning of heritage, the importance of World Heritage Day and how it started. This was followed by an informative speech from Reuben Remruatfela, VI Semester, History, where he talked about how heritage are affected by climate change. He further elaborated how sites and objects came under threat, and stressed that we should join hands together for the preservation of heritage and to stop climate change.
The principal, HATIM gave an encouraging speech by appreciating various department activities. He also mentioned about how Mizo history is still undetermined and that department field study can contribute for the reconstruction of history. He even advised the department to extend field study outside India. The program ended with vote of thanks from Mr. Benjamin Lalnunfima, Head of Department, History.

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