HATIM Evangelical Wing (HEW) & UESI e-Evangelistic Camp
23rd September, 2021
HATIM Evangelical Wing (HEW) & UESI
e-Evangelistic Camp
Theme: MAMAWH CHHANNA ISUA (Matthaia 11:28-30)
Date:23-26 September,2021
Speaker - Rev. Dr. Lalchungnunga (Principal MCC)
HEW in collaboration with UESI organized online Evangelistic camp,the medium of language was Mizo for better understanding of the campers. This camp have different session,the session were divided as:
• Quiet time(quite Time method was taught to campers)
• Doctrinal session
• Bible study
• Practical talk(in these session campers were taugh Purpose in life, relationship,uses of social media by different resource persons)
• Family time (in these sessions canpers were divided into different groups,so that they can share their experiences and have interaction with each other)
• Devotion(At devotion time the speaker preach the word of God under the theme)
No.of registration-104 (But some the registered campers cannot attend the camp actively due to network problem)
List of Resource persons:
• Dr. Samuel VL Thlanga
• Mr. H. Lalrinawma
• Mr. Ramfangzauva
• Mr. Mark V Vanlalrema
• Mr. V. Lalendinga
• Mr. Isaac Lalremliana
• Mrs. Salome Rogmei
• Miss Merilyne Beiho

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